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EF 152 students display innovative ideas at Summer Project Fair

EF 152 summer semester team design projects were showcased in the Perkins Workshop at the EF 152 Summer Project Fair.  Community service and adaptive device designs were presented in  this culminating event where students shared E-posters, marketing videos, project portfolios, and device prototypes during 5 minute presentations.  Top projects included crutches that were modified with adjustable supports to accommodate going up and down stairs, a microcontroller based height adjustable shelf, and an autonomous delivery bot that uses light sensors to follow a delivery path.

EF 152 Project the “Stair Crutcher” designed by EF 152 students Reid Mason, Nihar Saksena, and Barrett Ray


MAMA Shelf team members Margaret McCarty, Alex Ledezma, Michael Simpson, and Andy Atchley at the Summer Project Fair