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Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett


Contact Information

  • 260G Zeanah Engineering Complex
  • Phone: 865-974-9810
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  • Biography

    Bennett has been on the faculty of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department since 1983. He has taught in Engineering Fundamentals since 1999 and was Director of the Engineering Fundamentals Program from 2008-2021. He has been heavily involved in masonry design, having served as chair of the TMS 402/602 Building Code Requirements and Specifications for Masonry Construction for the 2016 edition, and been vice-chair for the 2013, 2022, and 2028 edition. He was editor of the 2022 Masonry Designers’ Guide. He was awarded Honorary Membership in The Masonry Society in 2024, the highest level of membership. Through the generous gifts of alumni, Richard Bennett endowment was recently established which will fund annual awards to Engineering Fundamentals instructional staff.

    Engineering education

    Masonry testing, analysis, and design

    Structural safety and reliability

    PhD, Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL,  1983

    MS, Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL,  1981

    BS, Civil Engineering, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH,  1979

    TMS 402/602 Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures Committee, 2000-present

    • 2nd Vice-Chair, Main Committee, 2016-present
    • Chair, Main Committee, 2016 Code Committee
    • Vice-Chair, Main Committee, 2013, 2022, 2028 Code Committee
    • Chair, Flexural and Axial Loads Subcommittee, 2004-2011

    Associate Editor, The Masonry Society Journal, 2006-2017

    Member, ASTM C15 Manufactured Masonry Units; C15.02 Brick and Structural Clay Tile, 2006-present

    Honorary Member, The Masonry Society

    Richard Bennett Endowment in Tickle College of Engineering

    President’s Award, The Masonry Society, 2016

    John Scalzi Research Award, The Masonry Society, 2014

    College of Engineering Moses E. and Mayme Brooks Distinguished Professor Award, 2014

    Tennessee Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (TLSAMP) Faculty Member of the Year Award, 2011

    Tickle College of Engineering Teaching Fellow Award, 2010

    University of Tennessee Alumni Association Outstanding Teaching Award, 2008

    Bennett, R.M., and Hochwalt, J.M. (2022). “Tension and Compression Controlled Sections in the 2022 TMS 402 Code,” The Masonry Society Journal, 40(1), 47-59, TMS Journal Outstanding Paper Award.

    Bennett, R.M. (2024). “All Cracked Up Over Icr,” The Masonry Society Journal, 42(1), 1-14.

    Erdogmus, E., Bennett, R., Thomson, J., and Banting, B. (2024). “Canada/US (CANUS) Comparison of Masonry Beam Design and Detailing Provisions,” The Masonry Society Journal, 42(1), 87-112.

    Sustersic, H, Stubbs, D., Peterson, R., Bennett, R.M., Pettit, C., Flisak, B., Erdogmus, E., Thompson, J., Coskun, S., Banting, B., and Cruz-Noguez, (2024). “Canada/US (CANUS) Comparison of Out-of-Plane Reinforced Masonry Wall Design Provisions,” The Masonry Society Journal, 42(1), 113-138.

    Flanagan, R.D., and Bennett, R.M. (2001). "In-Plane Analysis of Masonry Infill Materials." Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, ASCE, 6(4), 176-182. Winner of Alvin H. Yorkdale Award, ASTM Committee C15, Best peer-reviewed masonry paper, 2002.

    Bennett, R.M., Wood, S.M., Drumm, E.C., and Rainwater, N.R. (2005). “Vertical Loads on Box Culverts under High Embankments.” Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 10(6), 643-649.

    Zureick, A-H., Bennett, R.M., and Ellingwood, B.R. (2006). “Statistical Characterization of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite Material Properties for Structural Design.” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 132(8), 1320-1327.

    Hedrick, S.E. II, Bennett, R.M., Rials, T.G., and Kelley, S.S. (2007). “Correlation of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Measurements with the Properties of Treated Wood.” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 19(4), 279-285.

    Bennett, R.M. (2008). “The First United States Prestressed Masonry Structures.” The Masonry Society Journal, 26(2), 67-72.

    Zisi, N. and Bennett, R.M. (2011). “Shear Behavior of Corrugated Tie Connections in Anchored Brick Veneer-Wood Frame Wall Systems.” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 23(2), 120-130.

    Bennett, R.M., Huston, E.T., McLean, D.I., and Throop, D.B. (2011). “Allowable Stress Recalibration in the 2011 TMS 402 Code.” 11th North American Masonry Conference, Paper 33. Winner of Outstanding Paper Award.

    Bennett, R.M., Schleter, W.R., Olsen, T. and Guffey, S. (2012). “Effects of an Early Homework Completion Bonus.” ASEE Annual Conference, Paper AC 2012-3724.

    Morrison, S. and Bennett, R.M. (2013). “Concepts of Shear Friction Applied to Masonry Shear Walls.” The Masonry Society Journal, 31(1), 1-13.

    Jeldes, I.A., Drumm, E.C., and Bennett, R.M. (2015). “Piling Framed Concrete Retaining Wall: Design Pressures and Stability Evaluation.” Practice Periodical of Structural Design and Construction, ASCE, 20(3).

    Taylor, A., Bennett, R.M., Harper, D.P., and Lloyd, J. (2017). “Estimating the Impacts of Preservative Ports on Bridge Tie Strength.” Forest Products Journal, 67(1/2):24–28.


Richard Bennett

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